September 9, 2009

Thoracic Park is happy to celebrate their fifth anniversary. It has been a pleasure serving all of you that are part of the growing Thoracic Park family. The following piece is taken from the Citizens News and we hope you enjoy it:

Thoracic Park: Five Years Later

September marked the 5th Anniversary for Thoracic Park Alternative Health, Chiropractic and Acupuncture of Prospect which has come a long way from its humble beginning. Straight out of school and working in the hustle of lower Fairfield County, Dr. Tom Patavino left a very successful multidiscipline practice to set out and create something unique in healthcare. After seeing the strengths and weaknesses of chiropractic, physical therapy, allopathic medicine it was clear that no one single discipline could address every patients needs. The more tools you can offer, the better the chances of finding the right treatment option regardless of the age or condition. That mission was the first step towards creating that vision. The second was going to be an even bigger challenge. Could one doctor change the perception of modern healthcare and go back in time to when things were more personal? Remember when doctors wanted to know your name instead of who your insurance company was? At one time you didn’t have to wait over an hour just to see your doctor for 4 minutes and then be on your way again. Healthcare has advanced over the years, but in many ways not for the better.

That statement serves as the lifeline of Thoracic Park. With a name sounding like something from the days of the dinosaurs, Thoracic Park was named appropriately to capture the evolution of healthcare. Although we have made some incredible advances, we have lost some of the important things along the way; mainly the strong foundation of the doctor patient relationship that once thrived many years ago. Sometimes the more things change the more they should have stayed the same.

Not wanting to fall into the same paradigm of other practices, Dr. Patavino decided to go in a direction that most people weren’t accustomed to. He wanted to offer a variety treatment options, provide alternatives for those who seem to fail with traditional medicine and all the while establishing the personal feel of the doctors from yesteryear. The approach was simple, find a nice small town, listen, and take a genuine interest and care. No secretary, no office manager and no therapy assistants. Just the doctor and the patient. Throw in a few house calls and holiday treatments and you have something truly special and unique in today’s day and age. Norman Rockwell would have loved Thoracic Park.

If that concept wasn’t unique enough, Dr. Patavino style of practice was sure to surprise most people. Having worked along side medical doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors it was easy to remove some of the walls that exist between the different disciplines. The biggest problem in healthcare is tunnel vision and not accepting the notion that one’s brand of healthcare may not be the answer for a particular patient. Healthcare isn’t one size fits all and treatments need to be customized to address the individual needs of the patient. The alternative treatment options available are chiropractic manipulation, joint mobilization, acupuncture, trigger point therapy, soft tissue myofascial release , therapeutic exercises and injury rehabilitation, nutritional therapy and herbal medicine and modalities. With that many options available, it makes is easier to find a treatment option that all patients can be comfortable with. Comfort is the key word with manual therapies as some people may be reluctant to explore this type of care because of misconceptions, out dated perceptions or prior experiences with the wrong practitioner for the problem.

This obstacle is easy to overcome by treating people appropriately by age and educating them to their treatment options so they are aware that there is usually more than one way to approach any condition. This provides options for those who may have reservations with heavy handed techniques. The same holds true for acupuncture as many people have a dislike or fear of needles. Providing laser and electric pulse acupuncture options are often preferred by children and the elderly.

Those were the building blocks of Thoracic Park five years ago and they hold true today as the practice has flourished into exactly what was envisioned. Patients are at ease the comfortable laid back environment that they just don’t see elsewhere. One might expect that the practice is primarily neck and back injuries. They would be pleasantly surprised to find out that Thoracic Park sees just as many sinus and allergy patients, those suffering from PMS and menopause symptoms, infertility, autoimmune conditions, stress and weight management, nicotine addictions and every chronic and acute musculoskeletal condition you could think of due to sports injury, trauma or the aging process. That is the most rewarding part of the practice when you know an acupuncture treatment has helped someone with their nausea and fatigue from their cancer treatments or helped someone find relief from their headaches that have been chronic for 20 years. This year alone we will welcome 5 new babies to women who had all but given up on the notion of motherhood. With great pride, my high school athletes are being scouted by colleges all over the United States in diving, football, soccer and cross country.

The five year land mark is dwarfed compared to the milestones of seeing a patient that started when they were 2 years old is now boarding the bus to kindergarten. The other end of the spectrum is well balanced as we witnessed two of our grand matriarch figures celebrate their 92nd and 93rd birthdays respectively. There are countless stories that could be told since each patient has become part of something special you just don’t see today and probably won’t again for a long time. Thoracic Park was created to make an impact on people’s lives as well as the physician who has the privilege of working in this wonderful area of Connecticut. The highlights mentioned over the past 5 years aren’t special because improvement in pain, reduction of symptoms or resolution of a condition. They are special because we were able to witness people continue to get the most out of life and we were fortunate to be a small part of it. We look forward to the next 25 of the same.

November 26, 2008

As the holidays are upon us, we wish everyone a safe and joyful holiday season. September 24th Dr. Patavino and his wife Allison welcomed their second child Abbie Krystina Patavino to the family. Everyone is doing well and I thank everyone for their wonderful cards, gifts and warm thoughts .

Thoracic Park is happy to participate with Toys for Tots for the 4th year. Please remember the little ones this year because Christmas is about them and a little bit of generosity goes a long way with the smile of a child. We will be accepting new unwrapped gifts until around 12/19/2008. I thank everyone in advance for the anticipated participation.

As 2008 nears it’s end, please be on the look out for our newest collaboration, The Upper Hand Sports Institute, which is slated to launch in early 2009.

To you and Yours, Happy Holidays from Thoracic Park.

May 7 , 2008

Thoracic Park was happy to welcome Teresa LaBarbera from Channel 3's Better Connecticut Show to the office to film a segment on acupuncture and the Mother's Day gift program. It was a great experience documenting the treatment and reflecting on some of the great success stories of patients whose lives have been changed by Thoracic Park. We would also like to extend our thanks to Ruby DeCosta for allowing us to share her acupuncture experience with everyone. She is a great lady and we couldn't have picked a better candidate for the segment. The show is scheduled to air at 10am on May 14th on WFSB Channel 3.

For more information on the show please go to:

April 25, 2008

Thoracic Park is happy to announce it's support of Prospect Little League. As the season kicks off, we hope parents and children enjoy this great pastime. We wish everyone the best this baseball season and may the games be fun and free of injury. Play Ball!

April 16, 2008

You may know that one in eight women will be stricken with breast cancer in her lifetime. What you may not know is that you can help these women and thousands of others in the fight against breast cancer.

On June 7, 2008 I will be participating in the Komen Connecticut Race for the Cure in Bushnell Park in Hartford with a great team of dedicated people. Please join the fight by registering as part of my team. I will be running, others will be walking to show their support. I hope this year will have more members on Team Thoracic Park. If you can't make it, please consider making a donation of any size to help the great cause. I thank you in advance and hope to see everyone on saturday the 7th of June.

We need your support! Every step counts! Join our fight!!! Tom

Click here to visit my personal page

Click here to view the team page for Thoracic Park

March 5, 2008

It has been sometime since I have updated the news section on the website. Quite a bit has happened over the past few months that might explain why it's been sometime since we've made submissions to the website. My wife and I moved to Southington in November, so we've been trying to acclimate ourselves to the new home front. My son Gage celebrated his first birthday in January and is enjoying his new environment in Southington. He's walking and testing the success of his parent's attempts to baby proof the new house. Fatherhood is exceptional and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

As far as Thoracic Park goes, things are going well. We celebrated our 3 rd year in Prospect and we continue to do everything in our power to help the growing Thoracic Park family of patients. I had the honor of speaking at the Prospect Senior Center in February which is always a pleasure to see some familiar faces and meeting some new ones.

If you haven't noticed, the website had a cosmetic makeover. I've included a lot more of the articles that have been released since opening the practice so they can be referenced at any time. My web creator Wendy Simko Jones has done a phenomenal job and I can't recommend her enough if someone needs her services, check her out at

Floor hockey unfortunately got bumped due to scheduling for the winter session, but we will be back in springtime. Plans are in the works for a large Mother's Day Promotion to honor mothers everywhere, so check back soon to see what's in the works.

April 20, 2007

Things have been quite busy for Thoracic Park. Dr. Tom Patavino and Brett Murrah recently participated in the health fair held at Naugatuck Valley Community College. The fair had a variety of health services ranging from chiropractors, massage therapists, reiki masters demonstrating their healing arts to those who attended the event. Dr. Patavino will also spoke at the Connecticut VNA March 27th on the benefits of Acupuncture. The lecture explored the use of acupuncture for pain management, weight loss, smoking cessation, stress management, autoimmune and chronic disease. Keep an eye out for our new commercial, which will be airing on Lifetime, USA, Discovery Channel and Fox News in the local Waterbury area. I would like to extend my thanks to all of those who participated in the filming. Although it probably won't make any of us famous, at least you all feel better than you did prior to coming to Thoracic Park.

Tom Mancini and I have concluded our 4th session of floor hockey. The program really seems to be going well. The kids are looking more like hockey players every week. The next session is planned for Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 pm April 26th through June 14th. Please contact Chris Moffo at the Prospect Department of Recreation for sign-up information.

Finally, I wanted to give advanced notice for Saturday June 3rd. Thoracic Park and the collective efforts of the Prospect Senior Center will be participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure held at Hartford's Bushnell Park to benefit Breast Cancer Awareness. We are looking for people who would like to run the 5k race or participate in the 1 or 2 mile walk. Last year was a success enjoyed by all and we hope to gain more support and participation this year. Anyone interested in joining team Thoracic Park can call the office at 203-758-7250 for registration information or sign up at Hope to see you.

October 23, 2005

Autumn is upon us once again. The last few months have been very productive for Thoracic Park. We participated with the Prospect Fall Festival sponsored by the Prospect Congressional Church. That allowed us the chance to step out of the office and introduce Thoracic Park to a great group of people who spent the afternoon eating, shopping, and taking in the day's festive events.

September also marked our 1-year anniversary. Time flies and it's hard to believe that a whole year has come and gone. We hosted an open house to serve as an opportunity to thank our current patients for their loyalty and a chance for newcomers to see what makes our office different from the rest. September 10th also marked the day Brett Murrah joined Thoracic Park. Brett is a licensed massage therapist specializing in therapeutic massage for injury, rehabilitation, and stress management. He will be a great addition to the Thoracic Park family and I can't recommend his services enough.

Outside the office, we wrapped up our 3rd season of floor hockey at Community School. Coach Tom Mancini and myself enjoyed this past season and can't wait to get things rolling again for the winter season. The Prospect Senior Center was kind enough to have me back for another health lecture in November. November 21st, 1pm I will be hosting Winter Safety: "The Senior Survival Guide". It promises to be a fun, educational lecture and a must for seniors who are dreading the winter season. For additional information please contact Lucy Smegielski at The Prospect Senior Center. 758-5300. Until next time, be safe and healthy.

February 3, 2005

Dr. Thomas Patavino is happy to announce the next lecture of his health series presented at Thoracic Park. Wednesday, February 23,2005 6pm Dr. Patavino will present his “Back to Basics” weight loss program. This N0-DIET weight loss program is ideal for those who have struggled with dieting and want to obtain a healthier lifestyle. Seating is limited. So please reserve your seat by 2/19/05.

Outside of the office, Dr. Patavino and Tom Mancini are happy to be coaching the floor hockey league at Community School. The kids are doing great and everyone seems to be enjoying Saturday afternoons. This is our inaugural season and the interest and response was overwhelming. We are planning on making this a multi-season activity, so keep your eyes open for registration information.

December 17, 2004

I would like to start by wishing everyone a happy holiday season. I am offering a $25.00 discount off an initial acupuncture treatment as a New Year’s Resolution incentive for those of you who need help kicking that smoking habit or want to shed those holiday pounds that seemed to appear somewhere between the wrapping paper and cookies. In addition, Santa has one more gift for prospective new patients. He has convinced the elves of Thoracic Park to offer an initial consultation and limited physical evaluation for free to help promote a healthy new year. Normally a $50.00 visit, is our gift to you if you call between now and February 28th.

Dr. Patavino will be speaking on Wednesday January 19,2005 6pm at the office for the second lecture of his health series. This month’s topic is “Coping with Fibromyalgia”. It promises to be an informative evening covering a controversial and ever-growing health concern.

On the local front, long time friend and Prospect resident, Tom Mancini and myself are organizing a youth floor hockey program this winter for Prospect boys and girls ages 6 to 12 years old. This will be a great way to expose the kids to the sport and help alleviate winter boredom. For additional information please contact Chris Moffo at the Department of Recreation. 203-758-6247.


November 20, 2004

November has been an exciting month for Thoracic Park. We are celebrating our two-month anniversary of opening in September and we couldn’t be happier with our location and the surrounding community.

On a personal note, November 6, 2004 Allison Miasek became my bride and we celebrated our marriage at the Aqua Turf in Plantsville, Connecticut. The weather cooperated and it was a wonderful day.

We are also happy to mention, with great gratitude, that we have been working with The Prospect Pages. We published two health articles in October and November and hope to consistently bring topics of interest out to the community. I extend my thanks and appreciation to Gwen and her staff for doing an excellent job with the paper.

November also kicks off the first health talk of our upcoming lecture series. Dr. Thomas Patavino will present “Exploring the Benefits of Acupuncture” on Tuesday, November 30th at 6:30pm at Thoracic Park. Please reserve your seat by 11/26/04

May everyone have a great Thanksgiving and hope to see you at the lecture.

September 15, 2004

Thoracic Park is happy to announce its grand opening in Prospect, Connecticut.

To kick things off, we opened our doors in September 2004. I am very happy with the office and location and look forward to getting out into the community and meeting everyone. Prospect is a great town and I look forward to becoming an integral part of the community.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Bob Laigle for his time and generosity. His hard work is responsible for the walls and doors that line Thoracic Park. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Phil Lee. His artistic vision and incomparable talent gave life to my walls and serve as a signature to our unique health care facility.

In addition, I would like to recognize the love and support from Allison, my friends and family. It is important to surround yourself with people who believe in you, recognize potential and allow you to achieve your dreams. I would also like to thank Gashouse Grafix for the great job they did on this website.

In the future, this page will be reserved as an announcement board for upcoming lectures, events and news pertaining to the office. In addition, it will serve as a forum to relay any health news that may be of interest. Please check back from time to time for updates.